quell- [kwel]-verb- to suppress; put an end to; extinguish. He practiced endlessly to quell his nervousness.
belie- [bih-lahy]-verb- to show to be false; contradict. The simplicity of text and art belie masterly craftsmanship.
brogue- [brohg]-noun- an Irish accent in the pronunciation of English. When he became excited, however, his brogue grow thicker.
clerestory- [kleer-stawr-ee, -stohr-ee]-noun- Architecture . a portion of an interior rising above adjacent rooftops and having windows admitting daylight to the interior. Clerestory windows gather north light and transmit it into living area.
cormorant- [kawr-mer-uh nt]-noun- any of several voracious, totipalmate seabirds of the family Phalacrocoracidae, as Phalacrocorax carbo, of America, Europe, and Asia, having a long neck and a distensible pouch under the bill for holding captured fish, used in China for catching fish. Effects of management on double-crested cormorant nesting colony fidelity.
concatenate- [kon-kat-n-eyt]-verb(used with verb)- to link together; unite in a series or chain. Concatenate each value in a list with constant piece of text.
corrugate- [kawr-uh-geyt]-verb- to draw or bend into folds or alternate furrows and ridges. They tried to corrugate the color paper into a fan.
impugn- [im-pyoon]-verb- to challenge as false (another's statements, motives, etc.); cast doubt upon. These findings are not meant to impugn your character.
intercollegiate- [in-ter-kuh-lee-jit]-adj.- taking place between or participating in activities between different colleges. The longest winning streak in the history of intercollegiate varsity sports has ended.
uncouth- [uhn-kooth]- awkward, clumsy, or unmannerly: uncouth behavior; an uncouth relative who embarrasses the family. He showed up rough, uncouth and unattractive, but he did start his law practice.
Newtonian- [noo-toh-nee-uh n, nyoo-]-adj- of or pertaining to Sir Isaac Newton or to his theories or discoveries. A Newtonian is someone who follows Sir Isaac Newton and his theories.
barrow- [bar-oh]-noun- a flat, rectangular frame used for carrying a load, especially such a frame with projecting shafts at each end for handles. Hefting our suitcases into the barrow, he told us supper was waiting for us.
dearth- [durth]-noun- an inadequate supply; scarcity; lack. The problem isn't a dearth of fish, it's an abundance of people.
bower- [bou-er]-noun- a leafy shelter or recess; arbor. Mark a circle on the ground to represent the ground underneath the bower with landscaping spray paint.
paddock- [pad-uh k]-noun- a small, usually enclosed field near a stable or barn for pasturing or exercising animals. Traditionally the cow, or cows, would stand in the field or paddock while being milked.
blithe- [blahyth, blahyth]-adj.- joyous, merry, or gay in disposition; glad; cheerful. Everyone loved her for her blithe spirit.
keen- [keen]- characterized by strength and distinctness of perception; extremely sensitive or responsive. Rhinos have sharp hearing and a keen sense of smell.
mongrel- [muhng-gruhl, mong-]-noun- a dog of mixed or indeterminate breed. Our search begins at a local shelter filled with pit bulls, old guard dogs and a three-legged mongrel.
reckless- [rek-lis]-adj.- utterly unconcerned about the consequences of some action; without caution; careless. Our work involves some investigation, but there's a limit, after which it becomes reckless adventure.
alderman- [awl-der-muh n]-noun- a member of a municipal legislative body, especially of a municipal council. When appeal to the alderman proved useless, the truckman resorted to strategy.
whirlpool- [hwurl-pool, wurl-]-noun- water in swift, circular motion, as that produced by the meeting of opposing currents, often causing a downward spiraling action. It is similar to how water current is pulled into a whirlpool.
belay- [bih-ley]-verb-Mountain Climbing- to secure (a person) by attaching to one end of a rope. In rock climbing, the belay rope is your umbilical cord.
cleanser- [klen-zer]-noun- a preparation for cleansing, as a liquid or powder for scouring sinks, bathtubs, etc., or a cream for cleaning the face. Wash your hands with soap or antibacterial cleanser to prevent infection.
dreary- [dreer-ee]-adj.- sorrowful; sad. Thank you for helping me start my dreary work day with a hearty laugh.
sallow-[sal-oh]-adj.- (esp of human skin) of an unhealthy pale or yellowish colour. His features are pinched and drawn, his complexion sallow.
lithe- [lahyth]-adj.- bending readily; pliant; limber; supple; flexible. She has the lithe body of a ballerina.
gristle- [gris-uh l]-noun- cartilage, especially in meats. Other than not eating the fatty gristle on a ribeye, they do not diet.
earwig- [eer-wig]-noun- any of numerous elongate, nocturnal insects of the order Dermaptera, having a pair of large, movable pincers at the rear of the abdomen. Earwigs are omnivorous and will eat almost anything they come across.
fickle- [fik-uh l]-adj.- likely to change, especially due to caprice, irresolution, or instability; casually changeable. Popularizing science is a tough, fine, fickle line between too simple and too complex. nestle- [nes-uh l]-verb- to put or press confidingly or affectionately. She nestled her head on his shoulder.
fennel- [fen-l]-noun- a plant, Foeniculum vulgare, of the parsley family, having feathery leaves and umbels of small, yellow flowers. Fennel , finocchio or anise-whatever it's called, this green leafstalk lends exotic flavor to meals.
nostril- [nos-truh l]-noun- either of the two external openings of the nose. Try to catch the discharge outside the nostril on a tissue or swab.
abide- [uh-bahyd]-verb- to remain; continue; stay. She promised to abide with them for awhile.
behest- [bih-hest]-noun- a command or directive. The courts should not be making law at the behest of big companies.
slaughter- [slaw-ter]-verb- to slay in great numbers; massacre. These texts strongly condemn the slaughter of animals and meat eating.
gospel- [gos-puh l]-noun- the teachings of Jesus and the apostles; the Christian revelation. They could also use their language to share the gospel in other countries.
furlong- [fur-lawng, -long]-noun- a unit of distance, equal to 220 yards or ⅛ mile. Out back, horses might be working out in their pool, or on a nine furlong track.
linseed- [lin-seed]-noun-" seed of flax," widely regarded in ancient times as a source of medical treatments. There are no sharp edges, and the wood is finished with linseed oil.
nether- [neth-er]-adj.- lying or believed to lie beneath the earth's surface; infernal. The bug must be extracted from the nether regions with forceps.
fathom- [fath-uh m]-noun- a unit of length equal to six feet (1.8 meters): used chiefly in nautical measurements. They went diving down 4 fathoms under the water.
nightingale- [nahyt-n-geyl, nahy-ting-]-noun- any of several small, Old World, migratory birds of the thrush family, especially Luscinia megarhynchos, of Europe, noted for the melodious song of the male, given chiefly at night during the breeding season. Those who live near nightingale nests know all too well that the males often sing all night.
farthing- [fahr-th ing]-noun- a former bronze coin of Great Britain, equal to one-fourth of a British penny: withdrawn in 1961. Not a farthing did it yield, but it was time exceedingly well spent.
threshold- [thresh-ohld, thresh-hohld]-noun- Psychology, Physiology- the point at which a stimulus is of sufficient intensity to begin to produce an effect. Some people have a low threshold of pain.
kith- [kith]-noun- acquaintances, friends, neighbors, or the like; persons living in the same general locality and forming a more or less cohesive group. His intent was simple, keep kith and kin informed while cutting down on e-mail traffic.
wanton- [won-tn]-adj.- done, shown, used, etc., maliciously or unjustifiably. They made a wanton attack on our country.
loam- [lohm]-noun- a rich, friable soil containing a relatively equal mixture of sand and silt and a somewhat smaller proportion of clay. The enclosure smelled of warm straw and the wet loam of early spring.
yield- [yeeld]-verb- to give forth or produce by a natural process or in return for cultivation. This farm yields enough fruit to meet all our needs.
mattock- [mat-uh k]-noun- an instrument for loosening the soil in digging, shaped like a pickax, but having one end broad instead of pointed. Digging tools such as a mattock are useful for removing underground parts.
hawthorn- [haw-thawrn]-noun- any of numerous plants belonging to the genus Crataegus, of the rose family, typically a small tree with stiff thorns, certain North American species of which have white or pink blossoms and bright-colored fruits and are cultivated in hedges. There had been another frost, the perfect time to go hunting for rose hips and hawthorn berries.
tithe- [tahyth]-noun- the tenth part of agricultural produce or personal income set apart as an offering to God or for works of mercy, or the same amount regarded as an obligation or tax for the support of the church, priesthood, or the like. Today, tithes usually refer to contributions made to a religious organization through a cash, check or stock donation.
behoove- [bih-hoov]-verb- to be necessary or proper for, as for moral or ethical considerations; be incumbent on. It behooves the court to weigh evidence impartially.
forlorn- [fawr-lawrn]-adj.- desolate or dreary; unhappy or miserable, as in feeling, condition, or appearance. Researchers studying older people have found, cortisol might be helpful in getting the forlorn out of bed.
quiver- [kwiv-er]-verb- to shake with a slight but rapid motion; vibrate tremulously; tremble. When threatened, the bird will let its wings hang limply and quiver violently.
hustings- [huhs-tingz]-noun- (before 1872) the temporary platform on which candidates for the British Parliament stood when nominated and from which they addressed the electors. And out on the hustings, campaigners are gearing up.
aspen- [as-puhn]-noun- any of various poplars, as Populus tremula, of Europe, and P. tremuloides (quaking aspen) or P. alba (white aspen) of America, having soft wood and alternate ovate leaves that tremble in the slightest breeze. This is a deciduous tree that growns 40 to 50 feet tall with a width of 20 to 30 feet.
mermaid- [mur-meyd]-noun- (in folklore) a female marine creature, having the head, torso, and arms of a woman and the tail of a fish. And the mermaid, or siren, will be freed from her circle.
anvil- [an-vil]-noun- a heavy iron block with a smooth face, frequently of steel, on which metals, usually heated until soft, are hammered into desired shapes. Hot coals glowed in a dark interior, where a craftsman was bent over an anvil hammering silver.
barley- [bahr-lee]-noun- the grain of this plant, used as food and in making beer, ale, and whiskey. Their results suggest that gladiators ate a diet rich in barley and beans.
linden- [lin-duh n]-noun- any tree of the genus Tilia, as T. americana (American linden) or T. europaea (European linden) having fragrant yellowish-white flowers and heart-shaped leaves, grown as an ornamental or shade tree. A Linden tree, which is a European nickname for the Tilia, is a large deciduous tree.
hassock- [has-uh k]-noun- a thick, firm cushion used as a footstool or for kneeling. Hassocks are low, cushioned, small padded stools.
orchard- [awr-cherd]-noun- an area of land devoted to the cultivation of fruit or nut trees. The original gardens began simply with a fruit orchard, which was expanded upon by subsequent generations.
hearth- [hahrth]-noun- the floor of a fireplace, usually of stone, brick, etc., often extending a short distance into a room. He squatted at the hearth and went back to roasting his corn.
watery- [waw-tuh-ree, wot-uh-]-adj.- full of or abounding in water, as soil or a region; soggy; boggy. Not bad if you can get past the watery texture and slightly curdled appearance.
fiend- [feend]-noun- a diabolically cruel or wicked person. A fiend is a person of great wickedness or maliciousness.
goatee- [goh-tee]-noun- a man's beard trimmed to a tuft or point on the chin. Andre was lean and had narrow eyes and a cursory goatee.
earthenware- [ur-thuh n-wair]-noun- pottery of baked or hardened clay, especially any of the coarse, opaque varieties. Here visitors are greeted with a large and arrestingly modern earthenware bowl.
windily- [win-duh-lee]-adj.- In a verbose manner. She explained her ideas windily. dealership- [dee-ler-ship]-noun- authorization to sell a commodity. He got the dealership for the area after a long investigation into his credit.
bookkeeping- [boo k-kee-ping]-noun- the work or skill of keeping account books or systematic records of money transactions (distinguished from accounting ). Bookkeeping might be a better field for you if personal interaction is a problem.
fiery- [fahyuh r-ee, fahy-uh-ree]-adj.- consisting of, attended with, characterized by, or containing fire. The scientists did tests on the volcano's fiery discharge.
learned- [lur-nid]-adj.- having much knowledge; scholarly; erudite. Eistein was a very learned man.
nosiest- [noh-zee-est]-adj.- nosy; unduly curious about the affairs of others; prying; meddlesome. He won the 'nosiest man' contest for the third time.
creepy- [kree-pee]-adj.- having or causing a creeping sensation of the skin, as from horror or fear.
The old guy in the corner at a college party can come off as creepy.
errand- [er-uh nd]-noun- a short and quick trip to accomplish a specific purpose, as to buy something, deliver a package, or convey a message, often for someone else. She left the children home while she ran errands.
daily- [dey-lee]-adj.- of, done, occurring, or issued each day or each weekday. Even phone companies are getting in on the daily deals craze.
gnat- [nat]-noun- any of certain small flies, especially the biting gnats or punkies of the family Ceratopogonidae, the midges of the family Chironomidae, and the black flies of the family Simuliidae. He would, however, confirm that the bug he swallowed was a gnat.
broadleaf- [brawd-leef]-noun- any of several cigar tobaccos having broad leaves. They sold quality broadleaf cigars at their shop.
stringy- [string-ee]-adj.- resembling a string or strings; consisting of strings or string-like pieces. His hair is pasted to his scalp in long, stringy strands.
dairy- [dair-ee]-noun- the business of a dairy farm, concerned with the production and treatment of milk and cream and the manufacture of butter and cheese. Strong bones need calcium and one of the best ways to get it is from dairy products.
workmanship- [wurk-muh n-ship]-noun- the art or skill of a workman or workwoman. The medal, which is about the size of a fifty-cent piece, is a fine piece of workmanship.
newfangled- [noo-fang-guh ld, -fang-, nyoo-]-adj.- of a new kind or fashion. There is so much to protest this newfangled idea, it's not even funny.
timely- [tahym-lee]-adj.- occurring at a suitable time; seasonable; opportune; well-timed. Sprains and inflammation can be eased by the timely application of some ice or a cold compress.
dogged- [daw-gid, dog-id]-adj.- persistent in effort; stubbornly tenacious. My point is not that dogged persistence and obsessive research productivity eventually pay off.
mootable-[moo t-uh-buh l]-adj.-debatable; Capable of being mooted. That is a mootable point.
womanly- [woo m-uh n-lee]-adj.- like or befitting a woman; feminine; not masculine or girlish. She was becoming very womanly for her age.
manhandle- [man-han-dl, man-han-dl]-verb- to handle roughly. To manhandle is to handle roughly or to shove or push or drag around.
folksiness- [fohk-see-ness]-noun- the state of being folksy. Both were derided by intellectual elites, including those in their parties, for the folksiness of their ways.
worrisome- [wur-ee-suh m, wuhr-]-adj.- worrying, annoying, or disturbing; causing worry. The content of the blog may be less worrisome than the fact of the blog itself.
roughhewn- [ruhf-hyoon]-adj.- of stone or timber; shaped roughly without finishing. Half-a-dozen stools against a bench and a roundish communal table of the same or similar roughhewn wood.
knavery- [ney-vuh-ree]-noun- action or practice characteristic of a knave. The world is so wicked and so old, that it is bard to invent a new knavery.
hurdle- [hur-dl]-noun- a difficult problem to be overcome; obstacle. The second hurdle for a would-be lawyer is the bar exam itself.
kipper- [kip-er]-noun- a fish, especially a herring, that has been cured by splitting, salting, drying, and smoking. Kippers are small fish with their heads still intact that have been gutted and then is cured by either salting, pickling or cold smoking.
hundredth- [huhn-dridth, -dritth]-adj.- next after the ninety-ninth; being the ordinal number for 100. Elite runners can win or lose by a hundredth of a second.
icicle- [ahy-si-kuh l]-noun- a pendent, tapering mass of ice formed by the freezing of dripping water. Starting from the tip of the icicle, he used the snow shovel to break the icicle into smaller portions.
pinafore- [pin-uh-fawr, -fohr]-noun- a child's apron, usually large enough to cover the dress and sometimes trimmed with flounces. When paired with a belt, a pinafore can give the wearer a more attractive, feminine look.
yieldable- [yeel-duh-buh l]-adj.- capable of yielding or of producing a yield. Thus, a yieldable coupling serves a clutching function between driving and driven parts.
hue- [hyoo or, often, yoo]-noun- a gradation or variety of a color; tint. Every light source has a slight hue or color cast to it.
Challenge Words
heifer- [hef-er]-noun- a young cow over one year old that has not produced a calf. A heifer is an immature female bovine that has not had a calf.
mistletoe- [mis-uh l-toh]-noun- a European plant, Viscum album, having yellowish flowers and white berries, growing parasitically on various trees, used in Christmas decorations. Up above her was a tree in a pearly cloud of mistletoe.
salve- [sav, sahv]-noun- a medicinal ointment for healing or relieving wounds and sores. More beeswax and cocoa butter will make a stiffer salve.
kirtle- [kur-tl]-noun- a woman's loose gown, worn in the Middle Ages. The mere rustle of a silken kirtle was sufficient to make him bring his cowl down over his eyes.
Wiccan- [wik-uh n]-noun- a practitioner of wicca; the cult or practice of witchcraft. The Wiccan religion is all about nature and the spiritual world around us.
shrieval- [shree-vuh l]-adj.- of, belonging to, or relating to a sheriff. The turned the old building in to a shrieval office.
chary- [chair-ee]-adj.- cautious or careful; wary. Schneiderman is chary of talking too much now about his investigation.
What's all the "Buzz" about?
What you need to do-
Please read the parent letter and the rules and regulations on the side tab bar. If you have a child in 4th or 5th grade, you need to print off each of the 14 different language sections and staple together or they can study them online. Have your child study these words for the next couple of months. The top 2 winners from our elementary will go on to the Iron County District Spelling Bee held at the District Office Building on March 13th. There will be some big prizes this year! Winner gets an ipad mini. If your child does not have access to the internet or paper to print, there are a few copies in the office that you could pick up.
If you have a child in 1st-3rd grade, you need to print off spelling list A & B and have your child study them for the next couple of months. If you cannot view list A, you just click on the button "older posts" at the bottom of the page and it will redirect to Spelling List A.
Please read the parent letter and the rules and regulations on the side tab bar. If you have a child in 4th or 5th grade, you need to print off each of the 14 different language sections and staple together or they can study them online. Have your child study these words for the next couple of months. The top 2 winners from our elementary will go on to the Iron County District Spelling Bee held at the District Office Building on March 13th. There will be some big prizes this year! Winner gets an ipad mini. If your child does not have access to the internet or paper to print, there are a few copies in the office that you could pick up.
If you have a child in 1st-3rd grade, you need to print off spelling list A & B and have your child study them for the next couple of months. If you cannot view list A, you just click on the button "older posts" at the bottom of the page and it will redirect to Spelling List A.
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