What's all the "Buzz" about?

What you need to do-
Please read the parent letter and the rules and regulations on the side tab bar. If you have a child in 4th or 5th grade, you need to print off each of the 14 different language sections and staple together or they can study them online. Have your child study these words for the next couple of months. The top 2 winners from our elementary will go on to the Iron County District Spelling Bee held at the District Office Building on March 13th. There will be some big prizes this year! Winner gets an ipad mini. If your child does not have access to the internet or paper to print, there are a few copies in the office that you could pick up.

If you have a child in 1st-3rd grade, you need to print off spelling list A & B and have your child study them for the next couple of months. If you cannot view list A, you just click on the button "older posts" at the bottom of the page and it will redirect to Spelling List A.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

4th-5th Grade Spelling List (5- German)

angst- [ahngkst, angst]-noun- a feeling of dread, anxiety, or anguish.  The hostage situation brings enormous angst and regret to families.
leukemia- [loo-kee-mee-uh]-noun- any of several cancers of the bone marrow that prevent the normal manufacture of red and white blood cells and platelets, resulting in anemia, increased susceptibility to infection, and impaired blood clotting.   Marcia is battling leukemia and needs a bone marrow transplant to beat the disease.
pretzel- [pret-suh l]-noun- a crisp, dry biscuit, usually in the form of a knot or stick, salted on the outside.
A gluten-free pretzel  is not going to take off pounds any faster than a regular pretzel. 
waltz- [wawlts]-noun- a ballroom dance, in moderately fast triple meter, in which the dancers revolve in perpetual circles, taking one step to each beat.  Two people are dancing a waltz, and it is not going well. haversack- [hav-er-sak]-noun- a single-strapped bag worn over one shoulder and used for carrying supplies.  They carried food and small items in a haversack made of linen with a three button flap. 
nosh- [nosh]-verb- to snack or eat between meals.  Have gourmet pizzas for lunch or enjoy a pre-theater nosh.
sauerbraten- [souuh r-braht-n, sou-er-]-noun- a pot roast of beef, marinated before cooking in a mixture of vinegar, sugar, and seasonings.   Using a classic German Sauerbraten recipe is a great idea.
hinterland- [hin-ter-land]-noun- the remote or less developed parts of a country; back country.   But there is a vast hinterland where costs are still low.
verboten- [ver-boht-n]-adj.- forbidden, as by law; prohibited.  Loading zones are verboten, of course, as are crosswalks and parking near hydrants.
rollmops-[rohl-mop]-noun- a fillet of herring, rolled, usually around a pickle, marinated in brine, and served as an appetizer.   Rollmops are pickled herring fillets, rolled into a cylindrical shape, often around a savoury filling.
streusel-[ stroo-zuhl, stroi-]-noun- a topping for coffeecake, consisting of crumbs of blended sugar, cinnamon, flour, butter, and chopped nutmeats.  The pie gets a sweet and crunchy topping, courtesy of almond streusel.
umlaut- [oo m-lout]-noun- a mark (¨) used as a diacritic over a vowel, as ä, ö, ü,  to indicate a vowel sound different from that of the letter without the diacritic, especially as so used in German.   Provision is made for an umlaut and other diacritical marks, but these are dropped in common usage.
wanderlust- [won-der-luhst]-noun- a strong, innate desire to rove or travel about.
Perhaps they set out in search of food, or maybe it was simply wanderlust.
eiderdown- [ahy-der-doun]-noun- down, or soft feathers, from the breast of the female eider duck.  
She had a huge, soft, eiderdown quilt on the bed.
schnauzer- [shnou-zer]-noun- one of a German breed of sturdy medium-sized dogs having a tight, wiry, pepper-and-salt or pure black coat, bristly eyebrows and beardlike whiskers, and a docked tail, used originally as a ratter and a guard dog and later used in police work.   He bought his wife her favorite dog for their anniversary, a pure black schnauzer. 
lederhosen- [ley-der-hoh-zuh n]-noun- leather shorts, usually with suspenders, worn especially in Bavaria.
It's time to slip into your lederhosen, eat brats and get ready to polka.
kohlrabi- [kohl-rah-bee, -rab-ee, kohl-rah-bee, -rab-ee]-noun- a cultivated cabbage, Brassica oleracea gongylodes, whose stem above ground swells into an edible, bulblike formation.   Another, yet more unfamiliar member of the cabbage family is kohlrabi.
sitzmark- [sits-mahrk, zits-]-noun- Skiing- a sunken area in the snow marking a backward fall of a skier.
He made a huge sitzmark while skiing in the Alps. 
langlauf- [lahng-louf]-noun- the sport of cross-country skiing.   Jumping is their art form of skiing, as the langlauf is their endurance form.
autobahn- [aw-tuh-bahn]-noun- (in Germany and Austria) a superhighway; expressway.  Despite its location adjacent to the autobahn , direct access between the two countries is currently not possible. Backstein-[bahk-shteen]-noun- a German cheese resembling limburger that is produced in brick shape.
They wanted to try some Backstein cheese with their wafers. 
inselberg- [in-suh l-burg, -zuh l-]-noun- an isolated rocky hill rising abruptly from a flat plain.
An inselberg has the appearance of an island coming up out of the sea.
gestalt- [guh-shtahlt, -shtawlt, -stahlt, -stawlt]-noun- a configuration, pattern, or organized field having specific properties that cannot be derived from the summation of its component parts; a unified whole.
Gestalt is a type of experimental psychotherapy that focuses on a person's current experiences. 
einkorn- [ahyn-kawrn]-noun- a wheat, Triticum monococcum,  having a one-grained spikelet, grown as a forage crop in Europe and Asia.   In terms of crops, they grew einkorn and emmer wheat, both ancient wheat varieties.
kitsch- [kich]-noun- something of tawdry design, appearance, or content created to appeal to popular or undiscriminating taste.    The lines separating carnival and culture, art and kitsch seem to have disappeared. 
gestapo- [guh-stah-poh]- the German state secret police during the Nazi regime, organized in 1933 and notorious for its brutal methods and operations.   The Gestapo was noted for its brutal methods of interrogation.
 schloss- [shlaws]-noun- a castle or palace.   Schloss is a German castle or baronial mansion, usually a

little more refined than a burg.
rucksack- [ruhk-sak, roo k-]-noun- a type of knapsack carried by hikers, bicyclists, etc.
In his rucksack he carried, besides pencils and notebooks, poetry.
echt- [ekht]-adj.- real; authentic; genuine.    An echt is not fake or counterfeit, as in someone with

real hair and not a wig.
bratwurst- [brat-wurst, -woo rst, braht-]-noun- a sausage made of pork, spices, and herbs, sometimes without a casing, usually served sautéed or broiled.    Bratwurst, hot dogs and adult beverages will be available for purchase.
knapsack- [nap-sak]-noun- a canvas, nylon, or leather bag for clothes, food, and other supplies, carried on the back by soldiers, hikers, etc.    Most collectors bring a pail or knapsack to carry their finds in areas

where some hiking is required.
feldspar- [feld-spahr, fel-]-noun- any of a group of minerals, principally aluminosilicates of potassium, sodium, and calcium, characterized by two cleavages at nearly right angles: one of the most important constituents of igneous rocks.  Feldspar in the rock is moderately to intensely altered to sericite and clay minerals.
poltergeist- [pohl-ter-gahyst]-noun- a ghost or spirit supposed to manifest its presence by noises, knockings, etc.  There is a poltergeist named Peeves in the Harry Potter books.
noodle- [nood-l]-noun- a narrow strip of unleavened egg dough that has been rolled thin and dried, boiled, and served alone or in soups, casseroles, etc.; a ribbon-shaped pasta.   Follow this with soups such as hot and sour soup or barbecue pork noodle soup.
spareribs- [spair-ribz]-noun - a cut of meat from the rib section, especially of pork or beef, with some meat adhering to the bones.    Spareribs were placed on a rack in a pan, but were not covered during cooking.  Meistersinger- [mahy-ster-sing-er, -zing-]-noun- a member of one of the guilds, chiefly of workingmen, established during the 14th, 15th, and 16th centuries in the principal cities of Germany, for the cultivation of poetry and music.  The Meistersingers carried on and developed the traditions of the medieval Minnesingers.
pumpernickel- [puhm-per-nik-uh l]-noun- a coarse, dark, slightly sour bread made of unbolted rye.
The bread selection consists of dinner rolls, a rich pumpernickel, and pretzel bread.
Bildungsroman- [bil-doo ngz-roh-mahn]-noun- a type of novel concerned with the education, development, and maturing of a young protagonist.    The author focuses on developing the main character, portraying his struggles and growth in a bildungsroman style novel. 
strudel- [strood-l]-noun- a pastry, usually consisting of a fruit, cheese, or other mixture, rolled in a paper-thin sheet of dough and baked.     For dessert, try the warm apple strudel with cinnamon ice cream. bagel- [bey-guh l]-noun- a leavened, doughnut-shaped, firm-textured roll, with a brownish glazed surface, made of dough first poached and then baked.    Guests can also enjoy the swimming pool, free fruit and breakfasts each morning.
hamster- [ham-ster]-noun- any of several short-tailed, stout-bodied, burrowing rodents, as Cricetus cricetus,  of Europe and Asia, having large cheek pouches.  Board games and puzzles teeter over the hamster's cage.
cobalt- [koh-bawlt]-noun- a silver-white metallic element with a faint pinkish tinge, occurring in compounds whose silicates afford important blue coloring substances for ceramics.   As cobalt decays, it becomes less effective, so you have to monitor that.
nachtmusik-[nahkt-mu-zeek]-noun- A nocturne (from the French which meant nocturnal, from Latin nocturnus) is usually a musical composition that is inspired by, or evocative of, the night.   They all retired to the sitting room for the special nachtmusik.
 vorlage- [fohr-lah-guh]-noun- a position in which a skier leans forward but keeps the heels in contact with the skis.   He got into the position of vorlage as he soared through the air, down the mountain.
graupel- [grou-puh l]-noun-soft hail or snow pellets.  Precipitation ice is in the form of snow, graupel, or sleet.
Wagnerian- [vahg-neer-ee-uh n]-adj.- of, pertaining to, or characteristic of Richard Wagner or his works.  Elsa, is the Wagnerian heroine in Lohengrin.
cringle- [kring-guh l]-noun- Nautical- an eye or grommet formed on the boltrope of a sail to permit the attachment of lines.    A cringle is an eye through which to pass a rope.
fife- [fahyf]-noun- a high-pitched transverse flute used commonly in military and marching musical groups.
There were two rows of men playing the fife as they marched, in uniform, in the parade.
glitz- [glits]-noun- ostentatious glitter or sophistication.   Under the glitz and glamour of modeling, looks really are everything.
homburg- [hom-burg]-noun- a man's felt hat with a soft crown dented lengthwise and a slightly rolled brim.   He looked very attractive in his suit and homburg.
kuchen- [koo-khuh n]-noun- a yeast-raised coffeecake, often containing fruit.    Each kuchen is preservative-free, handmade and filled with fresh fruit.
pitchblende- [pich-blend]-noun- Mineralogy- a massive variety of uraninite, occurring in black pitchlike masses: a major ore of uranium and radium.  Uranium is present in rocks such as granite, shale,

phosphate and pitchblende.
spritz- [sprits, shprits]-verb- to spray briefly and quickly; squirt.   The green salad was given a light spritz

of oil and vinegar.
prattle- [prat-l]-verb- to talk in a foolish or simple-minded way; chatter; babble.   Their prattle is the soothing small-talk that takes our minds off more serious matters.
Zwinger-[zwhing-er] -noun- a palace in Dresden, eastern Germany, built in Rococo style and designed by court architect Matthäus Daniel Pöppelmann. It served as the orangery, exhibition gallery and festival arena of the Dresden Court.   The Zwinger was designed by Pöppelmann and constructed in stages from 1710 to 1728.
spitz- [spits]-noun- any of several dogs having a stocky body, a thick coat, erect, pointed ears, and a tail curved over the back, as a chow chow, Pomeranian, or Samoyed.    Outside, the mist mingled with snow, and water beaded on the fur of the spitz.
realschule-[ray-uh l-shoo-luh]-noun-a German secondary school that includes in its curriculum modern languages, mathematics, science, practical arts, and commercial subjects and that teaches no classics and is not designed to prepare students for the university.    The Realschule is a type of secondary school in Germany, Austria, Switzerland.
panzer- [pan-zer]-noun- (especially in the German army) armored.    Nonetheless, the panzer divisions were established during his tenure.
stollen- [stoh-luh n]-noun- a sweetened bread made from raised dough, usually containing nuts, raisins, and citron.    Bake the stollen a few weeks before you plan to serve it, the flavor improves as it ages.
dachshund- [dahks-hoo nt, -hoo nd, -uh nd, daks-, dash-]-noun- one of a German breed of dogs having short legs, a long body and ears, and a usually tan or black-and-tan coat.  As my own spirits declined, along with the pig's, the spirits of my vile old dachshund rose.
seltzer-[selt-ser]-noun- a naturally effervescent mineral water containing common salt and small quantities of sodium, calcium, and magnesium carbonates.     Seltzer is popular in mixed alcoholic beverages and currently flavored with fruit flavorings. 

Challenge Words

kirschwasser-[keersh-vah-ser]-noun- a brandy distilled from cherries, made chiefly in the Black Forest in Germany and in the Jura and Vosges districts of France.    Kirshwasser is a cherry flavored liqueur made from the distillation of cherries. 
Mitteleuropa-[mit-l-oi-roh-pah]-noun- Central Europe.     The term 'Mitteleuropa' never has been merely a geographical term, it is also a political one. 
meerschaum-[meer-shuh m, -shawm]-noun- a mineral, hydrous magnesium silicate, H 4  Mg 2  Si 3  O 1 0  , occurring in white, claylike masses, used for ornamental carvings, for pipe bowls, etc.; sepiolite.     They get their name from the flower's resemblance to a meerschaum pipe.
rinderpest- [rin-der-pest]-noun- Veterinary Pathology- an acute, usually fatal infectious disease of cattle, sheep, etc., caused by a paramyxovirus of the genus Morbillivirus  and characterized by high fever, diarrhea, and lesions of the skin and mucous membranes.     They found a detection of rinderpest antibodies in elephants, spotted deer and blackbucks.
Weltschmerz-[velt-shmerts]-noun- sorrow that one feels and accepts as one's necessary portion in life; sentimental pessimism.    Weltschmerz is essentially a symptom of a period of conflict, or of transition.
schadenfreude- [shahd-n-froi-duh]-noun- satisfaction or pleasure felt at someone else's misfortune.  The concept of schadenfreude is not uniquely German, almost every language in Europe has a word with the same meaning.
dreidel- [dreyd-l]-noun- a four-sided top bearing the hebrew letters nun, gimel, he,  and shin,  one on each side, used chiefly in a children's game traditionally played on the Jewish festival of Hanukkah.   Dreidel is a game that can be played with any number of players.
weimaraner- [vahy-muh-rah-ner, wahy-, wahy-muh-rey-]-noun- one of a German breed of hunting dogs having a smooth silver-gray to dark-gray coat, a cropped tail, and blue-gray or amber eyes.     To clean a weimaraner, brush coat with a natural bristle brush several times a month to remove dirt and grime and to straighten out the coat.
ersatz- [er-zahts, -sahts, er-zahts, -sahts]-adj.- serving as a substitute; synthetic; artificial.   He wanted an ersatz coffee made from grain.
fräulein- [froi-lahyn; English: froi-lahyn or, often, fraw-, frou-]-noun- the conventional German title of respect and term of address for an unmarried woman, corresponding to Miss.    She was Fraulein Maria until she married the Captain.
blitzkrieg- [blits-kreeg]-noun-a swift intensive military attack, esp using tanks supported by aircraft, designed to defeat the opposition quickly.  Blitzkrieg also has had some influence on subsequent militaries and doctrines.
gesundheit- [guh-zoo nt-hahyt]-interjection-an expression used to wish good health to someone who has just sneezed.  German immigrants brought the word into English usage and it is said after someone sneezes.
pfeffernuss-[fefuh r-noos] -noun- a small hard highly spiced cookie made traditionally for the Christmas holidays.  She served pfeffernuss along with other varieties of cookies for the Christmas party. 
edelweiss- [eyd-l-vahys, -wahys]-noun- a small composite plant, Leontopodium alpinum,  having white woolly leaves and flowers, growing in the high altitudes of the Alps.   Much of his early life was spent herding cows and picking edelweiss for tourists.
glockenspiel- [glok-uh n-speel, -shpeel]-noun- a musical instrument composed of a set of graduated steel bars mounted in a frame and struck with hammers, used especially in bands.  The large glockenspiel in the lobby plays holiday carols.
rottweiler- [rot-wahy-ler]-noun- one of a German breed of large, powerful dogs having a short, coarse, black coat with tan to brown markings.   Rottweilers, as with most medium to large size dogs, have an average lifespan of ten to thirteen years.
schottische-[shot-ish]-noun- a 19th-century German dance resembling a slow polka.    The schottische is a partnered country dance, that apparently originated in Bohemia.
anschluss- [ahn-shloo s]-noun-a political or economic union, esp the annexation of Austria by Nazi, Germany (1938).  The Anschluss was the German takeover of Austria in 1938.
wedel- [veyd-l]-verb-skiing in alternating directions.     He was a good skier, he could wedel very well.
springerle-[spring-earl-uh]-noun- a type of German Christmas cookie flavored with anise and embossed with a design.  Springerle cookie molds and rolling pins are carved to create a series of small cookies, each with a different design.
zeitgeber- [tsahyt-gey-ber]-noun- an environmental cue, as the length of daylight or the degree of temperature, that helps to regulate the cycles of an organism's biological clock.    The classical example of a zeitgeber is light, which leads some organisms to wake up, while others go to sleep.
pickelhaube-[pikl-howb-uh]-noun- a spiked helmet worn by German soldiers.  The picture of my ancestor

in his pickelhaube was a little frightening. 
schnecke- [shnek-uh n]-noun- sweet, spiral, snail-shaped rolls made from raised dough with chopped nuts, butter, and cinnamon.    We enjoyed the authentic schnecke they served at our hotel in Berlin.
Weissnichtwo-[vi-snikt-voh]-noun-an indefinite, unknown, or imaginary place; imaginary city in the satirical work Sartor Resartus (1833-34) by Thomas Carlyle died 1881 Scottish essayist and historian, from German weiss nicht wo (I) know not where.   Weissnichtwo was created by Thomas Carlyle.

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